Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Losing Man's Best Friend

We all think our dogs are invincible.

Well, they have to be, right? Because who else would be there to eagerly greet you at the door like you were the best thing since bacon strips, without fail, every single time?

I could never imagine losing my dog. The thought of not being able to see her sleepy, smushed up face first thing in the morning, even before slamming the snooze button, breaks my heart years before it even has to.

Because my dog is only three years ago. Three. Yet every birthday is more like a tragedy than a celebration. Maybe it's because I'm morbid. Or maybe it's because we all know dogs can't live as long as we do, which I believe to be an unbelievably cruel part of life.

I don't want her to get old.

And unless you've had a dog, you just don't get it. Because it's not "just a dog." And you can cry two hours into Marley & Me, but unless you've witnessed firsthand how truly deep a dog can love you, you just can't get it.

And that's why after I write and post this upcoming article about how owners have dealt with the pain and how vets say to handle it, I never want to have to imagine this again.

Because my dog is invincible.

She has to be.

Melissa Chan

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